Give blood help save a life!
Join the awesome people helping people! American Red Cross is looking for ppl that have not been vaccinated to give blood. Check out my...
Join the awesome people helping people! American Red Cross is looking for ppl that have not been vaccinated to give blood. Check out my...
I received a message that assistance was needed for the third grade field day that was 72 hours away! Lol. BUT GOD! Spiritual Gawddess...
Spiritual GAWDDESS Enlightenment Inc will be donating to a local Elementary school for end of the year festivities! We will be making our...
Spiritual Gawddess Enlightenment Inc is an official public 501c3! I look forward to serving all aspect of the community! Continuing our...
My lineage does not subscribe to LOVE work against another! There are ppl that do a lot for temporary gain and karmic pain! Doing love...
We will have our next Earth/Iyah meeting! If you're in the Atlanta area please reach out to me to join use. Sunday April 23, 2023 which...
On this beautiful peace day must we remember! We are our Ancestors/Egungun
I only debate with my Equal. All others, I TEACH! Iya Ifafunmi ❤️
May your prayers reach the Heavens from your offering to Baba Esu to the feet of Olodumare!!! Giving and honoring is how you receive the...
As you know we have separated the tarot from this business. To book a reading or purchase spiritual items please visit...
Sometimes our troubles aren't because we are not right with the Spiritual realm currently, it's the past that has a connection to our...
Supreme Gratitude for visiting our website. We have removed the option to purchase tarot readings from this site. This site is strictly...
CLASS STARTS 4/13/2023!! Let’s elevate together! After taking a much needed break we are moving forward with SPIRITUAL GAWDDESS...
Spiritual Gawddess the Spiritualist Come on a journey with me, as I explain to you the lack of knowledge that led me on a journey to seek...