We will be doing a community giveaway September 22, 2023 in Jonesboro, Ga. Everything will be free. Personal and household items! Come...
We will be doing a community giveaway September 22, 2023 in Jonesboro, Ga. Everything will be free. Personal and household items! Come...
Spiritual Gawddess Enlightenment Inc is seeking organizations with focus on helping families! There’s an upcoming expansion and I’m...
There’s someone that needs our help! We don’t talk about the toll the economy is taking on small businesses Enough! Please click the...
We back at it! SEPTEMBER 22, 2023! We’re aiming to assist 400 individuals this time around! https://spiritualgawddess.com SPIRITUAL...
We have another community giveaway coming up! Stay tuned. If you have a location that would like host us for our next community...
Mudupe’ Olodumare! None of this would be possible without you allowing it to be! Two years ago this was a vision. Now with the help of...
We are locked and loaded. We are locked and loaded. Today we are doing a giveaway at 6 PM at the Valero gas station on Flint in River...
We do Ose Ifa every 4 days. It's to be open to receive messages from Ifa and to have blessings, favor and protection prayed over your...
SGE Inc is looking forward to partnering with local businesses for future giveaways! We would need space to setup a tent and table if...
Please share!!!!! PLEASE SHARE Spiritual Gawddess Enlightenment Inc presents: Our Community Giveaway. The address will be posted closer...
SGE Inc is looking forward to joining forces with local businesses in Jonesboro and Riverdale to host community giveaways! If you or...
All Ifa services will be offered on this site by going to the shop tab. The botanica items such as Spiritual tools and jewelry will be on...
Since the last raffle was good I’m running it back! New gift bag that includes 2 spiritual baths 2 sage bundles 1 chakra bracelet C app...
As an Iya or Awo we do not work for free! If you go to church they pass offering plates around through the entire service! When you...
SGE Inc offers mobile notary! We are here to assist with your back to school paperwork! 470-629-3434
SGE Inc will be offering Ori classes in two parts. We are so excited for this new addition to our organization! The Ori class is a...
We are honoring my beloved mother tonight. This is her 12th year anniversary of returning to Olorun. It's a celebration of a GREAT SOUL...
The wonderful kids at Suder Elementary School showed their appreciation for the donations we provided!
127 Jonesboro rd. #1001Â
Jonesboro, GA 30236
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