I get so many people that talk to me about wanting to know more about IFA. There’s alot online for other Ifa traditions! I am a devotee of Isese! It’s different than most of the stuff you still online.
We have a big course coming up November 20th! It’s 6 weeks long Monday nights at 7pm est!
You will learn about Ori, Egbe, Egungun, Aje Olokun, Esu, Obatala, Osun, Yemoja, Ogun, Shango and Oya! How to appease them and more!
This course will be hosted by a Priestess with all over 24 years in the Isese tradition! You don’t want to miss this! This course is held online!
Reach me at 470-629-3434 or by email thecoachinggoddess@gmail.com